+32 (2) 265.01.56 ucesm@ucesm.net

The General Assembly of the USM (VOS’USM) took place this year 2022 at the St. Antonius Training Centre in Morschach (SZ) from 27 to 29 June 2022. Eighteen major superiors or their delegates were present. The President of the USM, Abbot Peter von Sury, Benedictine, introduced the theme of this year’s study day: “What future for VOS and KOVOS (Conference of Unions of Orders and other communities of consecrated life in Switzerland)?
The study day revealed that expectations of KOVOS are very diverse and there are fears of overwork. Nevertheless, the USM-GA insisted on changes.
At the end of the administrative part of the assembly, elections were held. Abbot Peter von Sury osb, who has worked for ten years on the USM committee, eight of them as president, took his leave of the assembly with a shower of grateful applause. In his place was elected the Augustinian Provost of the Great St Bernard, Abbot Jean-Michel Girard crsb, who is available for one year.