+32 (2) 265.01.56 ucesm@ucesm.net

On the afternoon of 21st November 2024, the 4th Assembly of the UCESM Vocations Apostolate Network (UCESM_VAN) took place. 22 persons attended, including a good number of “National Referents” of vocations ministry linked to 16 Conferences of Major Superiors of men and women religious orders of Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, England and Wales, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland (female), Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland. Some of these Conferences were represented by two people.
The Core Group coordinator, Fr. Luis Manuel Suárez CMF, who chaired the meeting, welcomed everyone present and introduced the meeting agenda.

Sr. Priscilla

After the opening prayer, the first topic to be considered was: “Consecrated Life, youth and vocations at the Synodal Assembly of October 2024”. It was led by Sr. Priscilla Latela RMI (General Superior of Claretian Missionary Sisters) and Ms. Claire Jonard, responsible for Vocations apostolate in Switzerland. Both speakers were present at the Synod on Synodality last November 2024 in Rome.

Then, some National Referents shared some GOOD PRACTICES among the proposals received, continuing the sharing initiated at the last Assembly. In particular, we listened to “Living Joyfully Project: zooming into Catholic schools” by Fr Joseph Katthula CMF from England; “University Chaplaincies and Vocations ministry” by Fr Fabian Cofie SVD from Portugal; “Compass – Yearly vocation discernment course” by Sr Lúcia Petres OP from Hungary, and “Walking together: collaboration among religious orders” by Sr Anna AP from Poland. We also heard about a national Vocations Congress to be held in Spain in February 2025.

After a short break, work began in linguistic groups. The major focus was the Jubilee of young people in July-August 2025, to consider the possibilities of preparing a gathering of young people and consecrated persons with adoration, testimonies and music. The proposal was welcomed and time will assess the possibilities of organizing this event in the next months.

The meeting was interesting, especially since the participants already know each other and it is easier to share their joys and concerns.
The meeting ended with a prayer. A good meeting for ‘helping one another’, as the motto of our UCESM Vocations Apostolate Network says.

The content of the Assembly can be viewed at the following links:
– Original audio (English and Italian): https://youtu.be/uQEF0dyt4aU
– Audio in English: https://youtu.be/xRBdzfsUkFg
– Audio in Italian: https://youtu.be/6Fry0vM59t8