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After a long process that began in 2018, the Association of Women Religious Orders of Austria (VFÖ) and the Conference of Superiors of Men Religious Orders of Austria (SKÖ) solemnly united at their first common General Assembly in November 2019.
This unification was ratified by an official decree of CICLSAL dated 8 December 2019.
The President of the new Conference ÖOK (Österreichische Ordenskonferenz – Conference of Religious Orders of Austria) is Arch-Abbot Korbinian Birnbacher osb, Superior of the Archi-Abbey of St. Peter’s in Salzburg, and the Vice-President is Sr. Franziska Bruckner, Superior General of the Franciscan Sisters of Amstetten.

The new Board (left to right):
Provincial Bernhard Bürgler sj, Prioress Franziska Madl op,
Sr. Franziska Bruckner, Arch-Abbot Korbinian Birnbacher,
Abbot Reinhold Dessl ocist and Provincial Sonja Dolesch fic