Webinar on “Spiritual Abuse” of 18 May 2021 – video
Webinar on “Spiritual Abuse” of 28 April 2021 – Lectures & videos
Lecture by Sr. Katharina Kluitmann osf Crosshairs Lecture by Mrs. Doris Reisinger Video 1 Video 2
Sr. Adrien Pekó ssnd (1949-2020)
Sr. Adrien Pekó has been a committed and concerned member of the Executive Committee of UCEM in the first years of the new millennium. In 2001, at the General Assembly in Salzburg, she was elected Councillor. Three years later, in Ljubljana, she was appointed...
Ep. Nicolaus Dubinin
We wish Mgr. Nicolai every success in his new mission.
Surprise at the EC
It seems "risky" to be a major superior on the Executive Committee of UCESM: it is the second time within five years that one of its members has been ordained bishop. First, our president, Father Giovanni Peragine, was taken away to become a bishop in Albania, and...
UISG-UCESM discussion on 15 May 2020 via Zoom: watch the video
Sr. Marjolein attended the “Ottmaringer Tage” in Germany
Report about the "Ottmaringer Days" 2019
New Board at UISG
on the right: Sr. Jolanda KAFKA rmi, President (2019-2022) on the left: Sr. Franca ZONTA fmi, Vice-President (2019-2022)
UISG Plenary Assembly 2019 in Rome
From 6 to 10 May 2019, about 850 women general superiors met in Rome under the overall theme “Sowers of Prophetic Hope” for the triennial UISG assembly, which gathered leaders of congregations from 80 countries representing more than 450,000 women religious around the...
International Symposium of the CEEC in Brussels on 14-15 March 2019
Theme: The Catholic school and the intercultural and interreligious challenges Participation from UCESM: sr. Marjolein On 14 and 15 March, the European Committee for Catholic Education (CEEC) organized an international symposium in Brussels. The free movement of...
A respectful coexistence…
Sr. Marjolein Bruinen: A respectful coexistence is needed in and for a Europe in diversity [Vienna, 28.02.2019] The Dominican and General Secretary of the Union of European Superiors of Orders (UCESM) in Brussels, Sr. Marjolein Bruinen, stressed on 27 February 2019 on...
UCESM Study Days on 16-18 January 2019 at the Seraphicum, Rome
During the General Assembly in Snagov in March 2018, the Executive Committee noticed that an important question concerning the functioning of UCESM existed: "How could UCESM promote collaboration between national Conferences and with other institutions?" The Committee...
The Executive Committee visiting CICLSAL
On 20 November, the Executive Committee of UCESM travelled to Rome, together with the General Secretariat, to pay a visit to CICLSAL (Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life). The aim of this visit was to get acquainted and to...
150th anniversary of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Margaret of Hungary
Sr. Marjolein Bruinen op, Secretary-General of UCESM, had of course been invited to this event. Here are some of her impressions…..
Annual Congress of Renovabis in Berlin
Fr. Zsolt Labancz, President of UCESM, and Sr. Marjolein Bruinen, Secretary General, participated at this year's International Congress of Renovabis under the topic "Remembrance and Departure - Paths towards Reconciliation in Europe" which took place on 26 and 27...
Day of Religious Orders in Baar (CH)
Sr. Marjolein Bruinen, Secretary General of UCESM, was invited to the meeting of KOVOSS'CORISS on 24 September 2018 in Baar (CH). You may read her report here.
Passion for Europe: a workshop about Europe in Belgium
Sr. Marjolein Bruinen, Secretary General of UCESM, attended the three-day session on Europe's current challenges organized by the Group "Passion for Europe" and JESC (Jesuit European Social Centre) on 21-23 September 2018 in Namur (B). She reports….
Lviv 4 May 2018
The Conferences of Ukraine join.......