In September 2021, the members of AMRI (Association of Leaders of Missionaries & Religious of Ireland) chose a new Presidency: Abbot Brendan COFFEY osb is the new President and Sr. Mary HANRAHAN pbvm the new Vice-President. ...
From left to right: Marc Biadacz, Berlin, José Luis Bazán, Brussels, Prof. Tado Jurić, Zagreb,Mrs. Claudia Gaurich, Facilitator, Prof. Thomas Eggensperger, BerlinThe first one left on the top: sister Marjolein via Zoom Rarely has the Renovabis Congress been as...
On 2-6 May, the 23th General Assembly of the International Union of Superiors General took place: 520 sisters attending the plenary in person and another 200 or so through zoom, theologians and speakers voiced their support for Pope Francis’ vision of a synodal...
After the online-celebration on 22-24 March of the first part of this year’s General Assembly, the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the national member Conferences of UCESM gathered online on 19 April to elect a new Executive Committee.The following members...
From 22 to 24 March 2022, we celebrated the first part of our General Assembly.This was preceded by a great deal of work. Originally, we wanted to organize our 2022 General Assembly in St Petersburg, but as it was difficult to obtain visas when we wanted to go...
On 28 and 29 July, Fr Zsolt Labancz, President of UCESM, came to visit the new office (since July 2020) of UCESM in Brussels. We took advantage of his coming to pay a short visit to Dom Bernardus Peeters ocso, Abbot of the Trappist Abbey of Koningshoeven near Tilburg...
The year 2021 has seen a change of presidents within the two Conferences of Major Superiors of Hungary. On 10 March 2021, the Archabbot of the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma, Fr. Cirill Hortobágyi osb, was chosen as new President of FSZK, the Conference of Superiors...
On 19 June, the Conference of Women Major Superiors of Lithuania LMVAVK elected a new President, Sr. Gintaute Giedrimaite cc. The former President, Sr. Silvija Jelena Mataciunaite lssc, becomes Vice-President. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration with Sr....
Lecture by Sr. Katharina Kluitmann osf Crosshairs Lecture by Mrs. Doris Reisinger Video 1 Video...
Sr. Petra Sičáková ssnpm, Vice-President of the Conference of Religious Superiors of Slovakia (KVRPS), ended her mandate as Major Superior of her congregation on 24 September. According to the statutes of the Conference, she can no longer exercise the role of...
Sr. Adrien Pekó has been a committed and concerned member of the Executive Committee of UCEM in the first years of the new millennium. In 2001, at the General Assembly in Salzburg, she was elected Councillor. Three years later, in Ljubljana, she was appointed...
At the 52nd Electoral Assembly of the Croatian Religious Conference (HRK), held on 15 October 2020, the major superiors elected the presidency of the Conference for the next three years. Fr. Slavko Slišković, Provincial Superior of the Croatian Province of the...
On 25 August 2020, during its statutory General Assembly held by videoconference, the Board of COREB (B) elected Sr. Madeleine BOLAND osb, Abbess of the Abbey of Our Lady of Peace (Benedictines) in Liège, as its new Vice-President to replace Sr. Marie-Renilde...
We wish Mgr. Nicolai every success in his new mission....
On 29 June, in Fatima, the members of CIRP elected their new leaders: Sr. Maria da Graça Alves Guedes rad, who had been Vice-President since June 2017, is now the President of CIRP; Fr. Pedro Alexandre Simões Gouveia Fernandes cssp has been chosen as Vice-President....
It seems “risky” to be a major superior on the Executive Committee of UCESM: it is the second time within five years that one of its members has been ordained bishop. First, our president, Father Giovanni Peragine, was taken away to become a bishop in...
As from 1 June 2020, Mr Simon Evers will take over from Mr. Patrick Chatelion-Counet as head of the General Secretariat of the Dutch Religious’ Conference. Good luck to him!